Gladiatoris returns: EscenaRYS is born

After several months of hard work and silence in our blog, we are ready to communicate some most important news.

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1st. GLADIATORIS and PEKÁ EDITORIAL have parted ways. It’s been a friendly agreement and nothing has been left behind. Peká can’t load up more work this year, and we don’t want more delays for our game.

Preliminary RYS logo

2nd. After several weeks of paperwork, we have founded “EscenaRYS”, a gaming company that will allow us to hire the people we need to develop this project.

3rd. In this very moment, there are 8 people working in our team, along with some exceptional contributors. At the same time, we are asking several companies and manufacturers for budgets.

4th. We need to do the maths and make the game viable without losing any of the prototype components.

5th. Once we get most of the design work done, we will launch a Kickstarter sales campaign with several pledges you will be able to use to customize the game.

6th. Now that we’re more committed than ever to produce the game no matter the difficulties we might face, we will make a survey for the people that have supported us through the years (we will also listen to advices before saying goodbye to our most loved prototype). We will also make a list of “people that might buy Gladiatoris” (no obligations).

Best regards,
David Temprano and Luis Valleaguado.

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